
Monday, February 1, 2010

Introduction - So, here's the deal....

So, here's the deal...
That's my favorite saying. My friends laugh whenever they ask me a question or get my opinion on something I happen to know a little bit about, because I will give my arguments and then preface my concluding statements with "so, here's the deal..."
I will be reviewing movies/TV shows I've seen and products I've used here and hope that some of it will be useful and interesting.
I promise to you that everything you read here will be my own opinions and will express how I really feel based on my general or specific knowledge of a subject. If I think a movie sucks - I'll tell you it sucked and why it sucked. If I tell you that a free software program was awesome - I'll tell you that its awesome and why it is awesome. My opinion is just my opinion, but hopefully you'll be able to make informed decisions based on the reasons I give for my opinion.
I look forward to hearing from you...even if its to argue with me and tell me how awesome GI JOE actually was (yeah right).

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